Animal Jam Wiki

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Animal Jam Wiki
Icn alphaItemRound

The Alpha Item Explorer is a board located in Kimbara Outback used to discover Alpha Items around Jamaa. Players have a chance at finding these limited from the Daily Spin, Firefly, Golden Snowflake, Nocturnal Animals, Pack Run Prizes, Pet Expedition, seasonal events and more. Items will either have a limited number of discoverable before it becomes unobtainable or an unlimited amount obtainable marked by a '+' sign. This feature was introduced on October 7, 2021.


Once a Jammer find an exclusive Alpha Item, they can choose display their username on the Alpha Item Explorer or have it remain private. Alpha Items won will be identified with a number.

Item ID[]

Item ID refers to the number identification associated with the item. These are randomly assigned when the player receives an item. Different colored tag represent the number of the item.

  • Blue - Top
  • Purple
  • Green
  • Grey - Bottom


