Animal Jam Wiki

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Animal Jam Wiki

The Botanical Swing is a den item. It was originally released on September 12, 2018 at the Sapphire Shop through the Botanical Garden Bundle for 250 Sapphires.


The Botanical Swing is a wooden-made swing with various grass strands coming from the bottom front pegs. There are two pegs on each side, supported by red wooden, rectangular logs. In the center, there is a red wood seat held up by two vine roots. The vines appear to have three, blue flowers grown at different sports from it. This item comes in only one variant.


Date Released Place Price Date Removed
September 12, 2018 Sapphire Shop 250 Sapphires for Botanical Garden Bundle October 10, 2018
January 6, 2022 Pet Expeditions Prize N/A
July 5, 2023 Treasure Hunter Prize N/A

