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Animal Jam Wiki

Not to be confused with the Lightside Chest.

The Darkside Chest is a den item. It was originally released in October 2023 at the Darkside Shop for 200 Darkside Tokens.


The Darkside Chest is a black treasure chest shaded with bright blue.

This item comes in only one variant.


Date Released Place Price Date Removed
October 2023 Darkside Shop, Jamaa Township 200 Darkside Tokens November 2023
October 2023 Darkside Shop, Lost Temple of Zios/Phantom Dimension 200 Darkside Tokens Unknown
November 2023 Darkside Shop, Lost Temple of Zios 200 Darkside Tokens Unknown


This item can be opened by placing it in a den and opening by clicking it to receive an item. It provides a huge variety of clothing items that are black and shaded with a random color, similar to the chest itself.
