The Fantasy Castle is a den. It was originally released in February 2016 as a part of the Fantasy Castle bundle at the Premium Shop and Den Depot for $3.99 (real currency). Extra dens cost 10,000 Gems.
On February 2016, the den was relocated to the Sapphire Shop for 150 Sapphires.
Appearance []
There are four rooms and three flights of stairs inside the den. Two of the rooms are circular, and two are rectangular in shape. The default wallpaper and flooring within this den are both violet.
The outside of the Fantasy Castle is a grassy garden with many rocks and a flowing stream. The stream includes waterfalls and inhabits frogs, lily pads and waterlilies. A sturdy wooden and rock bridge allows animals to cross the stream to enter the den.
Date Released | Place | Price | Date Removed |
February 2016 | Premium Shop/ Den Depot | $3.99 for the Fantasy Castle Bundle | February 2016 |
February 2016 | Sapphire Shop/ Den Depot | 150 Sapphires | N/a |
April 29, 2020 | AJ Classic Rewards | Gift | June 1, 2020 |