Animal Jam Wiki

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Animal Jam Wiki
Animal Jam Wiki

Jam-A-Grams are a form of mailing used to message buddies in Play Wild. It can be used by all Jammers to message their buddies, even when offline. All Jammers can write a custom message with a character limit but are restricted to a set dictionary of words or they can choose to use the preset bubble-chat messages.


A Jam-A-Gram sent to a player will include a background image selected from various images and a stamp place on the right side of the card. The Jam-A-Gram also includes a text box area along the bottom of the Jam-A-Gram that shows a message chosen from the bubble-chat options or a custom message.


  • When someone sends a buddy request to a Jammer that is offline, their request gets sent to the Jammer's Jam-A-Gram inbox.
  • If someone's Jam-A-Gram inbox is full, they will keep receiving Jam-A-Grams and the maximum listed will go over 200, but when they log out however many of the oldest Jam-A-Grams will neccesarily be deleted automatically until the maximum is back at 200.
  • If someone sends 25 Jam-A-Grams to the same person on one log in session, a message pops up saying the Jam-A-Gram limit has been reached for that session. This can be resolved by logging out and back in.
  • If a jammer sends a blocked message to a buddy, it will appear as Animal Jam rocks!





AJHQ cards[]
