The Jamaaliday Gift Calendar 2021 is a seasonal feature available at Jamaa Township during the Jamaalidays 2021. This calendar appears on December 1 every year.
The Jamaaliday Gift Calendar is an Advent Calendar with presents for each day of the month.
The gifts consist of Den Items, Clothing Items, Sapphires, and gems.
The Jamaaliday Gift Calendar will be located in Jamaa Township. Unlike in the past, it will not pop up on your screen as soon as you log on.
Every day you log on you will receive one holiday oriented gift, and if you don't log on you simply won't receive the gift. This does not affect any of the gifts you might receive in the future. Members get an extra gift; usually Sapphires and gems, but sometimes items.
You can also go into Jamaa Township in the Phantom Dimension to collect the gifts.
List of Gifts []
- Because not everyone received the update on December 1, the Day 1 gift was released again on December 4, 2021.