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Animal Jam Wiki
Animal Jam Wiki

The Jamaaliday Gift Palace is a den. It was released on December 4, 2019 at the Sapphire Shop and Den Depot for 150 Sapphires or through the Jamaaliday Gift Palace Bundle for 250 Sapphires.


The Jamaaliday Gift Palace is a den made from 3 giant, unwrapped presents. The biggest of them all appears to be the middle present, which has two windows frosting in the middle as well. Down the stairs, there’s a sleigh surrounded by presents and ice. There are numerous candy cane fences that decorate the surrounding of the den, while a pathway of ice leads out of each "present room" to have a quicker way to travel around.


Date Released Place Price Date Removed
December 4, 2019 Sapphire Shop and Den Depot 150 Sapphires January 6, 2020
December 4, 2019 Sapphire Shop 250 Sapphires for the Jamaaliday Gift Palace Bundle January 2020
December 2, 2020 Sapphire Shop 1,000 Sapphires for the Epic Jamaalidays Bundle (2020) January 2021
December 1, 2021 Sapphire Shop 1,000 Sapphires for the Epic Jamaalidays Bundle (2021) January 1, 2022

