Animal Jam Wiki

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Animal Jam Wiki
Animal Jam Wiki

The MasterBlock is a den item. It was released on June 3, 2020 through Master Blocks located in the Minigames list for 25 or more Sapphires.


The MasterBlock is a custom made block artwork made by a user.


Date Released Place Price Date Removed
June 3, 2020 Master Blocks 50+ Sapphires N/a


  • Jammers cannot trade or recycle their MasterBlock until it has been reviewed and approved by AJHQ.
  • If a MasterBlock is not accepted, the Jammer will receive a Jam-A-Gram regarding the disapproval, and Sapphires spent on it will be automatically refunded.
  • On April 28, 2021, MasterBlocks became available to be exported by all jammers. Previously, only members could export them.
  • MasterBlock was formerly called 'Block' a month before it was released.
  • On January 6, 2022, Jammers can like Master Blocks.

