MasterTracks is a single-player Minigame that was released on February 2, 2022. Jammers can play to create their own MasterTrack to have playing in their own dens for 50 Sapphires.
Jammers may use different keyboard notes, instruments, and octaves to create their very own MasterTrack. MasterTracks are saved on the device used. If the app is deleted and the saved data was not uploaded to the cloud, all saved MasterTracks will be deleted.
- Bass
- Chip Synth
- Drum Kit
- Grand Piano
- Chirping Bells
- Gritty Bass
- Sunny Synth
- Harp
- Gentle Brass
- Simple Piano
Sidebar Buttons[]
The sidebar buttons allow you to hear and view your soundtrack, and play or pause throughout as needed.
- Play/Pause: The play/pause button plays your soundtrack and will loop once it reaches the end.
- Back: The back button moves your cursor to the beginning of the soundtrack.
- Bookmark: This button allows you to bookmark at a certain frame. There is only one bookmark and if you bookmark at another place while your bookmark is in use, the bookmark will move to that current location. The bookmark also does not save when you exit out of MasterTracks.
- Play at Bookmark: This play button starts your soundtrack at the bookmark you placed and loops again.
- Cursor: This button moves your cursor to the frame you are currently at.
- Zoom: This button allows you to zoom in and out on the frames.
- Panel: This button moves your view along with where your cursor is at when playing the soundtrack.
Publishing a MasterTrack[]
Upon publishing a MasterTrack, Jammers are asked to name their MasterTrack. Names consist of three words.
First Word | Second Word | Third Word |
- This Minigame currently has no Arcade or location; it can only be accessed from the Minigames menu.
- Only 11 instrument lines can be added.
- The maximum length of a MasterTrack is 5 minutes (1200 note frames of 0.25 seconds).
- Because of a glitch, the maximum length is actually 1 minute 16 seconds (300 note frames).
- The Octave range is 0-7.
- MasterTrack was originally called MusicSequencer.
- This name can still be seen when a buddy is playing the minigame.