Mission Name
Welcome to Jamaa
- Create an Account
- Change your Animal's color
- Dance near the Mira Statue in Jamaa Township
- Visit your Den
- Place an item inside your Den
500 Gems
Best Buddy
Welcome to Jamaa
- Open another player's Player Card
- Send another player a Buddy Request
- Accept another player's Buddy Request
- Visit a Buddy's Den
- Send a Buddy a Jam-A-Gram
- Send a Bubble Chat message
- Trade with a Buddy
- Best Buddy Badge
- Nametag Frame
Safe & Secure
- Go to the Security Station in the Lost Temple of Zios
- Read through all the files in the Security Station
- Get a 100% score on the Quiz in the Security Station
- Go to your Settings and turn on 2-Step Verification
- Change your Trade Request preference in the Settings menu
- Safe & Secure Badge
- Nametag Frame
Super Shopper
- Earn Gems by playing any Minigame
- Visit Jam Mart Clothing
- Try on an accessory
- Buy an accessory for your Back
- Buy an accessory for your Head
- Wear an accessory for your Tail
- Wear an accessory for your Feet
- Super Shopper Badge
- Nametag Frame
Pet Lover
- Pet Lover Badge
- Nametag Frame
Pack Player
- Take the Pack Quiz
- Join a Pack
- Visit your Pack Hideout
- Collect a prize from the Gem Tree
- Visit your Pack Alpha's Hideout
- Do a Pack Run
- Den Player Badge
- Nametag Frame
- Pack Cap
Novice Runner
- Pack Player
- Player Level 10
- Participate in 10 Pack Runs
- Collect 1000 items in Pack Run
- Earn 10 prizes from chests in Pack Run
- Den Player Badge
- Nametag Frame
- Pack Cap
Great Gamer
- Earn 10 prizes from The Claw or The Superclaw
- Complete 5 levels in Roll!!!!!
- Complete 10 levels in Pill Bugs
- Complete 20 levels in Fast Foodies
- Complete 25 levels in Overflow
- Complete 30 Levels in Block Break
- Complete Stage 5 in A Puppy's Tale on any difficulty
- Play 25 Buddy Games with other players
- Score at least 1,500 in Escape the Phantoms
- Complete 20 levels in Gem Breaker
- Find 150 Items in Jumbled Up
- Defeat 2,000 enemies in Pest Control
- Play Phantom Dodger 10 times
- Play Best Dressed 10 times
- Play Falling Phantoms 10 times
- Earn 1st place in Jamaa Derby 10 times
- Good Gamer Badge
- Nametag Frame
Phantom Fighter
- Player level 5
- Pack Player
- Visit Alpha Headquarters
- Do the secret action sequence in Alpha Headquarters
- Pick some Paintseeds from a Paintseed Tree
- Launch Paintseeds at the Phantom target in your Pack Hideaway
- Travel to the Phantom Dimension
- Unlock Mt. Shiveer in the Phantom Dimension
- Get a prize from the Phantom Phlob
- Phantom Fighter Badge
- Nametag Frame
- Phantom Flag
Expert Runner
- Player level 20
- Novice Runner
- Participate in 50 Pack Runs
- Collect 10000 items in Pack Runs
- Earn 50 prizes from chests in Pack Runs
Night Watch
- Player level 9
- Welcome to Jamaa
- Find a cricket at night
- Find a bat at night
- Find a moth at night
- Find an octopus at night
- Find an opossum at night
- Find a centipede at night
- Find fireflies at night
- Tap on 75 Nocturnal Animals
- Night Watcher Badge
- Nametag Frame
Party Animal
- Player level 10
- Welcome to Jamaa
- Fill your den with 20 visitors
- Visit another den that has 20 visitors
- Earn 50 Sapphires from Sapphire Potions
- Dance in 5 different Jammers' dens
- Wear an item with Party in its name
- Party Animal Badge
- Nametag Frame
By Your Powers Combined
- Obtain 20,000 Eco Credits
- Place at least 5 Solar Panels inside your den
- Place at least 3 Wind Turbines inside your den
- By Your Power Combined Badge
- Nametag Frame
Den Architect
- Player level 20
- Welcome to Jamaa
- Obtain 20 unique Dens
- Decorate at least 10 dens with at least 20 items
- Decorate at least 3 dens with at least 100 items
- Decorate at least 1 dens with at least 200 items
- Receive a den visitor in your Den with 200 items
- Den Architect Badge
- Nametag Frame
Master Creator
- Play the MasterBlocks Minigame
- Create a MasterBlock inside the MasterBlocks Minigame
- Turn your MasterBlock into a den item
- Visit another player's Den with a MasterBlock in it
- Like a MasterBlock
- Play the Painting Minigame
- Create a painting in the Painting Minigame
- Turn your Masterpiece painting into a den item
- Visit another player's Den with a Masterpiece in it
- Like a Masterpiece
- Play the MasterTracks Minigame
- Create a song in the MasterTracks Minigame
- Turn your song into a MasterTrack den item
- Masterpiece Token
- MasterBlock Token
- MasterTrack Token
- Creator Badge
- Nametag Frame
Rainbow Glory
- Player level 30
- Welcome to Jamaa
- Activate the Rainbow Trail Potion
- Wear any item with the word "Rainbow" in it
- Place an item with the word "Rainbow" in your den
- Send a Rainbow tier Pet on an Expedition
- Rainbow Glory Badge
- Nametag Frame
Egg Token Hunter
- Get a Painted Egg Token from Peck in Jamaa Township
- Egg Token Hunter Badge
- Nametag Frame
Painted Egg Hunt
Egg Token Hunter
- Own a Pet Painted Egg of each color
- Painted Egg Hunt Badge
- Nametag Frame
Blooming Flowers
- Blooming Flowers Badge
- Nametag Frame