The Movie Studio is a den. It was originally released on January 20, 2021, at the Sapphire Shop for 300 Sapphires or through the Movie Studio Bundle for 500 Sapphires.
The Movie Studio is a large, spacious den with five rooms to film videos.
There is a pathway and light green grass. Outside of the fence there appear to be two palm trees placed in pots.
There are multiple customizable hanging wallpapers that can be used to set up and record short skits/movies.
Date Released | Place | Price | Date Removed |
January 20, 2021 | Sapphire Shop/Den Depot | 300 Sapphires | N/A |
January 20, 2021 | 500 Sapphires for the Movie Studio Bundle | 500 Sapphires | February 2021 |
- This den is the first to cost 300 Sapphires instead of 150.
- This den allows you to customize multiple wallpaper and flooring locations.
- This is the first den to have this feature.
- The second den to have this feature is the Thailand Teak Retreat.
- This is the first den to have this feature.
- The Movie Studio went on sale for 200 Sapphires on October 20, 2021.