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Animal Jam Wiki

Not to be confused with Paintseed Tree or Frozen Paintseed Tree.

The Paintseed Sapling is a den item. It was originally released on October 12, 2018 at the Sapphire Shop for 100 Sapphires.


This item appears to be either a flower pot or paint can with paint dripping over the sides from the top.  

This item comes in 6 variants. 


Date Released Place Price Date Removed
October 12, 2018 Sapphire Shop 100 Sapphires November 3, 2018


  • Sometimes, they don't show up in the Jammers inventory.
  • When trading 2 or more in one trade, the trade tends to glitch up and show an image of Green Paisley Wallpaper for 9999 Gems.
  • When placed on trade, all other items on trade seem to fuse together and be placed on top of each other.
  • When sent in a trade it appeared to grow to a leafless tree but when accepted it would return back to normal.
  • The item was renamed to Paintseed Sapling from Paint Tree Seedling on November 1, 2018.
  • The Paintseed Sapling is fully grown in 22 days and will grow Paintseeds that can be collected when standing near the tree.
  • When fully grown, the paintseeds regrow 3 seeds every 20 minutes of last being collected, to a maximum of 9 seeds at a time.
  • The Paintseeds can be used in the Phantom Dimension to battle Phantoms.

