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Animal Jam Wiki
Animal Jam Wiki
Icn petType snowflakePenguin

The Pet Snowflake Penguin is an Exotic species pet. It was originally released on December 24, 2019, by placing a blue Exotic Pet DNA Vial into the DNA Incubator.


The Pet Snowflake Penguin appears to be a small, rounded penguin with two long wings and two webbed flippers. It has a snowflake in the middle of its belly, a small beak with two eyes either side of it.


Date Released Place Price Date Removed
December 24, 2019 DNA Incubator Exotic Pet DNA Vial December 24, 2019
September 2, 2023 DNA Incubator Super Exotic Pet DNA Vial N/A


Adoption Certificates[]


There are 18 species of penguins, and they live in lots of different locations, from Antarctica all the way to the Equator!

Possible Outcomes[]

Favourite Toys Favourite Food Personality
  • ???
  • ???
  • ???
  • ???
  • ???


  • All Pet Snowflake Penguins come with the default name: Pet Snowflake Penguin.
  • The appearance of the Pet Snowflake Penguin is randomly chosen when incubated.
  • Exotic Pets are the only pets that grow and evolve.
  • The Pet Snowflake Penguin is the second ever exotic pet, after the Pet Armadillo Lizard.
  • Pet Snowflake Penguins are the first and only Exotic pet that has been discontinued at this time.
  • The Pet Snowflake Penguin only hatches with the light blue Exotic Pet DNA Vials.
  • The Pet Snowflake Penguin is the first Exotic Pet that has a symbol on it, the second being the Santa Claws.
  • The Pet Snowflake Penguin's actions are similar to the Pet Rockhopper Penguin's actions. Each member could only send 1 pet to the Cocoa Cliffs expedition. No matter when the pet was sent, all pets came back on December 25 with the blue DNA Vial.
