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Spiky Phantom is an NPC that looks after one of the ??? Shops in the Phantom Dimension.


The Spiky Phantom appears to be a small round phantom with sharp spikes all over its body. It seems to be wearing a Fez, similar to Arthur the Traveling Salesman. It is also known as -1.


Spiky Phantom seems to have a message when you get near them.

  • "I can't put my tentacle on it, but something about you seems... off..."
  • "You're... one of the oddest-looking Phantoms I've ever seen! Are you from around here? Well, you might as well have a look at what I've got for sale!"
  • "Stop by again and be sure to try our new line of potions! You're sure to find their effects ENCHANTING!"
  • "Business has been booming ever since that portal opened! Makes a Phantom wonder why it was sealed in the first place!"
  • "You know... I’m beginning to wonder if you folk are even Phantoms at all! You’re all shaped so oddly, and you don’t even have proper tentacles!"
  • "I don’t mean to be rude, of course! Tokens are Tokens, after all! It doesn’t matter who’s spending them!"
  • "I heard the portal may be shutting soon, which is bad news for my business! You'd better shop while you can!"
  • "I hope this isn't the last time we see each other..."
  • "How are you faring here in the Phantom dimension? Takes some getting used to, eh?"
  • "Aha! You're back! Your business is always good here."
  • "You're an odd one aren't you? Still, your business is good here."
  • "Do I know you...? Ha ha! Of course I'd never forget my favourite customer!"
  • "Always happy to see a customer in these parts!"
  • (Looking at the items then leaving after the quote above) "Be sure to return once you're out of potions!"
  • "Don't be a stranger, stranger!"
  • "I'm expecting more customers than ever SOON! So buy what you can while you can!"
  • "Hmm.. Probably shouldn't have said that.."

During Night of the Phantoms 2023:

  • "Do you really think you can wield dark power as well as a Phantom? Hah!"
  • "Not to say you don't belong here-far from it!"
  • "C'mon, nothing to see here. Unless you're buying...?"

During Night of the Phantoms 2024:

  • "Not now. Buy something and go. (mutter) The heart..."
  • "The signals are stronger this time of year. Can you hear them?"
  • "The wolf seems a little extreme..."
  • "I hear Barb's back around. She can run all she wants, but she always surfaces eventually."


  • On May 29, 2019, the Spiky Phantom was renamed to -1.