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Animal Jam Wiki
Animal Jam Wiki

Buggy22cat aj Buggy22cat aj 9 July 2023

Treasure Hunter: Tips and Tricks

(big wip)

Wow! A new game! You decide to try it out, opening easy mode first. Suddenly, you see numbers. Math? In the summer!? Horrible. You leave the mess of numbers and a graph alone, never wanting to go back to it.

This is a nonogram. These puzzles are made up of a grid that has blacked and white (or in this case, yellowed) out spaces. The outer numbers lie out how many squares will be in one blacked out section. The yellowed out sections are up to you to find out, and avoid blacking out. To me, these puzzles rely more on patterns than the elementary level math. These puzzles can range from 5x5 to even 60x60+ grids! Fortunately, in AJPW, these only go up to 15x15. It looks crazy at first but you can get the hang of it. There are some basi…

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